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Telehealth: Healing from Home


What is Telehealth? In a world of social distancing and months of quarantine, telehealth has gone from an interesting innovation to a primary method of medical care. Telehealth, as the name suggests, is a system in which you utilize communication technology such as your phone, computer or other device to meet with your doctor remotely. […]

Youth and Substance Abuse


The Crisis of Substance Abuse in Our Youth As substance abuse in America continues to rise year over year, a very pressing concern is not just fear for our struggling brothers, sisters or friends, but for our children. While adults make up the majority of users, youth, typically between ages 12-17, are a growing population. […]

The Spiritual Principles of Step 3


What is a 12 Step Program? During addiction recovery, be it for alcohol or drugs, a primary form of substance abuse treatment is a 12 Step Program. Known usually as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, 12 Step Programs are highly recommended as a supplemental support system to go alongside group therapy and one-on-one therapy. This form […]