Sober Studios
Sober Studios As Music Therapy
Designed around a multi-faceted holistic approach, Royal Life Centers’ Sober Studios integrates music therapy for an immersive, therapeutic experience. As one of our many therapy programs, Sober Studios teaches guests to practice self-expression. During addiction treatment at Royal Life Centers, guests participating in Sober Studios discover healthy coping mechanisms to channel their emotions through music production.
Benefits of Music Therapy include:
- Self-exploration
- Self-expression
- Cultivate empathy and understanding
- Art and creation as a coping skill
- Decrease negative emotions (stress, anxiety)
- Increase healthy risk-taking
Sober Studios is one of Royal Life Centers many therapy services based on evidence-based practices. In fact, medical studies support the use of music therapy in addiction rehabilitation as it yields immense benefits in an individual’s recovery from a substance use disorder. Royal Life Centers at Cascade Heights uses music therapy to accomplish each guest’s personalized goals within the therapeutic setting of Sober Studios— music production helps the healing of addiction-related issues such as physical pain, anxiety, fatigue, and depression. As guests conceptualize, create, record, and listen to self-made music, music therapy ignites a sense of self-pride. The passion music therapy creates, in turn, inspires guests to strive in their recovery.

Sober Studios at Cascade Heights
Royal Life Centers at Cascade offers our music therapy program through Sober Studios, our fully-equipped recording studio located within the facility. In fact, the multi-track music production studio is found at each of Royal Life Centers’ locations. Within Cascade Heights’ aftercare program, guests choose from our extensive therapy options, often adding Sober Studios to their personalized treatment plan. Within Sober Studios’ music therapy program, guests participate in songwriting, music production, and audio recording. During their time in Cascade Heights’ 12-week aftercare program, guests practice writing lyrics and recording audio tracks that exemplify their personal recovery journey.
Our music therapists guide guests during each session, educating them on the functions and applications of recording and music production equipment. As guests write and produce their own music, they naturally strive toward their recovery goals. Additionally, music therapy reinvigorates passion within our guests, helping them conquer fears and deprogram maladaptive behaviors.
Guests at Royal Life Centers at Cascade Heights’ Sober Studios begin their sessions by brainstorming topics for their next song. For example, each guest contemplates the guiding inspiration for their recovery, basing their next musical creation on an experience or an emotion related to their recovery. Following this, guests compose lyrics and audio, pairing the two in a recording. After finishing any final edits, guests save their new creations as MP3s to listen to and enjoy at their leisure.
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