When our guests at Royal Life Centers come into treatment for the first time they are in a lot of pain. While it may seem obvious that the abuse of drugs or alcohol is the main issue, there are often a plethora of emotional and mental disorders that accompany addiction. Many, if not most of our guests have been in active addiction for so long that they have no recollection of what caused or contributed to their addiction, they just want the pain to stop.
When they have had some time clean in treatment, many of the deep-seated emotional and mental disorders resurface. These disorders are often hard to separate from just how hard early recovery is for most guests. However, just labeling all emotional and mental turmoil as symptoms of early recovery can be very detrimental. Not to mention that it is just plainly not accurate most of the time. Early recovery is challenging, but having the dual diagnosis of addiction and some other mental disorder is even more challenging.
At Royal Life Centers we make sure that each of our guests is constantly monitored, and evaluated for any mental and emotional disorders. These disorders are often unbeknownst to our guests themselves, and previous healthcare providers have often misdiagnosed them as well. While this is not always the case, oftentimes doctors lack expertise in addiction. Not to mention, it is almost impossible to accurately diagnose someone when they are inactive addiction. When these disorders are caught early on in treatment, the guest can have a significantly better chance to recover. In fact, receiving quality psychological and psychiatric assistance in early recovery is one of the best actions, besides working a 12 step program, for maintaining sobriety.
Research has proven clinical help in the form of cognitive behavioral therapy, and non-narcotic medication has a proven track record of aiding in recovery from addiction. Although we certainly recommend this in conjunction with a 12 step program, we understand some guests have not had much success with these programs. Even though 12 step programs have the most proven long-term success, they are not the only option for treatment.
Also when the guest realizes how their Emotional and mental problems contributed to their addiction in the first place, much of the guilt and shame are alleviated. Unfortunately, society still stigmatizes addiction, and people are not aware that addicts are mostly a result of genetic and environmental predispositions to addiction. This guilt and shame experienced by addicts and alcoholics in early recovery is tremendous and is often one of the biggest obstacles to seeking help in the first place. When our guests are made aware of the fact that they are not responsible for the creation of their addiction, this can be an enormous load off of their shoulders. Shame and misinformation are two of the biggest obstacles, for most addicts and alcoholics seeking an effective recovery plan.
Royal Life Centers ensures that each guest is informed with the most recent and accurate information, regarding addiction and what causes it. Our guests are educated about how addiction is often a family disease or caused by traumatic events that are hard to cope with. At the same time, many family members are often passing down Mental and emotional disorders to their children. Not to mention how some traumatic events and environments can cause an emotional or mental disorder to develop in the first place. We make sure to communicate this with our highly trained medical staff. Our staff then communicate to our guests that they are not responsible for their addiction and disorders, instead, they are responsible for their recovery.
Our job is to empower each guest to focus on what is in their control, they have control over whether they put in the effort necessary to recover. At Royal Life Centers we make sure to communicate to each guest that they should only be focusing on recovering from their addiction while in treatment, and not to beat themselves up so much about what they did in their active addiction. If you or someone you know needs help with their addiction problems, please reach out to us today and end the cycle of addiction.