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Is Snorting Oxycodone Dangerous?

Is Snorting Oxycodone Dangerous

As the opioid epidemic continues to spread throughout the U.S., people are beginning to find new ways of using and abusing these medications. A particularly popular method of abuse is crushing and snorting opioids like Oxycodone for a faster and more intense high.  Unfortunately, smoking opioids is not only illegal, it is extremely dangerous. If […]

10 Heroin Addiction Symptoms To Look Out For

Heroin Addiction Symptoms

As the U.S. finds itself wracked by what is now called the opioid epidemic, this has placed more importance than ever on the need for awareness of the danger these drugs pose to people’s health. One particularly threatening opioid that has gripped the nation is heroin. With its wide availability and fast-acting nature, heroin has […]

What Are the Most Addictive Drugs?

Addictive Drugs

Most addictive drugs can be found all across America. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reports on the percentage of the U.S. population that uses substances. Over one month in 2019., the rates of substance abuse for people over age 12 included: According to the Recovery Research Institute, addiction is “a primary, chronic, neurobiological disease […]